How Much Revision Should You Do For An Exam?

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The amount of revision you do for an exam varies based on the type of exam, the complexity of that exam and its importance. However, you can expect to do at least a few hours of revision per day, if you want everything to work as expected. It does take a bit of a trial and error to understand just how much revision you need to do, but results can be great and that’s what matters.

The Recommended Weekly Revision

If you go by the recommended values, then you should do revision around 15 to 20 hours every week. This is a good starting point, and then you adapt and adjust the way you want based on the topic. How much should you revise per day then? Usually, it’s a good idea to do around 3-5 hours of revision per day. It might seem like a lot at first, but it definitely brings in a very good set of results, and the experience can be a very good one.

Planning your revisions

It’s a good idea to not just leave revisions hanging randomly. A very good approach for this is to try and use a revision timetable template. These are handy because you get to manage your revision times a lot easier. It eliminates concerns, and it makes the revision process a lot easier to control. Yes, it does take some trial and error, but the payoff is great and that’s the thing that you want to keep in mind in a situation like this.

Establish the right goals

We recommend you to go with goals like understanding the topic very well, reviewing the topic 2 times and then doing a refresher once you have the topics in your memory. It certainly helps quite a bit, and  you will be very happy with the process and the way it all comes together. People love the idea of experimenting and trying out new things, with revisions you can do that if you have the best goals in mind. It’s a bit of a tricky situation at first, but it will be worth the effort.

Is it possible to revise less than 3-4 hours a day?

You are free to choose how much time you have to revise everything. The truth is that the more time and attention you allocate to this topic, the better the results you can get. You need to realize that it can take some time to master all the topics. And the last thing you want is to not receive the results you expect.


That’s why it’s ideal to revise at least 3 hours per day, if not more. After all, the more you commit to revising, the better the results you can get. It’s a very good idea to use this as a starting point, and then you adapt and adjust accordingly for the best experience. Once you do that, nothing will be able to stand in your way, since you will know how much you need and how to obtain the best results.

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When it comes to exam success we can help you achieve your goals every step of the way.

We have a number of expert tutors with many years of teaching experience and some are also approved examiners.

Our A Level Revision Courses take place at various stages of the year during half term holidays. If you are looking for a refresher from year 12 then we would suggest our October Revision Course.

If you are looking to prepare for your mock exams then our December (Christmas) Revision Course is perfect. As you approach the second half of the academic year then our February Half Term Revision Course is ideal to help consolidate any gaps in knowledge following any mock exam results. Then our Easter Revision Course is available to help you get ready for your final exams.

As well as our half term revision courses we also offer online tutoring at both GCSE and A Level.

We can help you in the following subject areas:

If you are not sure about online tutoring in any of the subjects that we offer, then you can always sign up for a free no obligation twenty minute lesson. This allows you to make sure that you and your tutor will work well together.

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at or call us on 0800 689 1272.

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at or call us on 0800 689 1272

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